Car Loan Calculator

Car Loan Calculator

Loan Information

Enter a loan amount. This may be the price of the vehicle including all taxes or the amount you wish to go shopping with.
Repayment Frequency
Choose your desired payment frequency. Note that not every lender offer all 3 repayment frequencies

Does this fit within your budget? Talk to a loan specialist to find out how we can assist.

Does this fit within your budget? Talk to a loan specialist to find out how we can assist.

Does this fit within your budget? Talk to a loan specialist to find out how we can assist.
Note: A shorter loan term incurs less interest however repayments are larger. A longer loan term incurs more interest and reduces repayments.
A low interest rate is a good start however the real cost of the loan is the repayment including all fees & charges. Remember to ask your loan specialist about how we help you save.

Balloon / Repayment

A deposit helps you to reduce your repayment amount over the course of the loan.
A balloon allows you to reduce your repayments and pay a lump sum at finalisation of the loan. Note: Not all lenders offer this option.

Financial Analysis

This takes into account estimated fees*, deposits and balloon amounts.


Does this fit within your budget? Talk to a loan specialist to find out how we can assist.

Does this fit within your budget? Talk to a loan specialist to find out how we can assist.

Does this fit within your budget? Talk to a loan specialist to find out how we can assist.

Standard Fees

We work hard to get you a great rate including all fees and charges. Below are standard fees that you can expect to be a part of every loan.
Included in your repayment, this is a standard fee that may be charged for assisting you with your loan application.
Also included in your repayment, this is a standard fee that lenders charge when writing your loan. As this is unknown until a lender is chosen, we have left this at an average amount.

* Disclaimer

The calculator is intended as a guide only and is not to be considered as an offer of finance nor is it a recommendation or opinion in relation to the relevant products. It does not take into account your personal financial situation or goals.

Calculated figures are based on the accuracy of the information entered.

Interest rates are subject to change without notice. Additional fees may apply if you apply for a loan.


Estimate your car loan repayments here.

This car loan calculator is a guide only.  Use it to estimate your repayments and to narrow down a budget.  We have included average fees to assist you with understanding what goes into every loan.

Key in a car loan amount

This is where you can enter the purchase amount of a car that you are looking at purchasing or if you haven’t yet found a car, you can enter an amount that you would like to spend. Remember to click out of the field to calculate.

Adjust the rate

Not everyone qualifies for the lowest car loan rates in NZ. Consider your credit score, the age of the asset and your financial situation. These factors all play a part in your rate.

Change the loan term and repayment frequency

Feel free to adjust the loan term and payment frequency to find the sweet spot for your budget. Note: Not all lenders offer every combination. Talk to your All Loans Specialist to discuss tailoring your loan to suit you.

Test drive our car loan calculator and get in touch by clicking to the next page.

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